Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall in Ohio is very beautiful. We have been negligent about taking our camera to snap the beautiful colors. The traffic does not allow one to stop by the side of the road. So - we will settle with the view from our balcony.

With many of the leaves gone we are able to see the school kids play soccer. The other morning when we were going to visit a seminary we saw deer along this road. When we started the car in the parking lot about where the big white van is parked they simply looked up at us. As we drove out we saw that there were 5 of them.

Our car is parked near the building as you can see. When we come home late at night the only parking spaces are clear to the end of the lot.

1 comment:

JoeKatie said...

I love how the gospel intertwines people, even on Blogs. Just found yours and am looking forward to following your mission.

Lots of Love,
Katie and Joe Cummins