Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall in Ohio is very beautiful. We have been negligent about taking our camera to snap the beautiful colors. The traffic does not allow one to stop by the side of the road. So - we will settle with the view from our balcony.

With many of the leaves gone we are able to see the school kids play soccer. The other morning when we were going to visit a seminary we saw deer along this road. When we started the car in the parking lot about where the big white van is parked they simply looked up at us. As we drove out we saw that there were 5 of them.

Our car is parked near the building as you can see. When we come home late at night the only parking spaces are clear to the end of the lot.

Our dear President Stewart with whom we served our first year at Temple Square passed away on October 15. President and Sister Stewart were outstanding examples of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We loved them very much.

He loved to tell the story of lifting the horse and how by how doing every day strengthens us. He loved football. The football picture is in the hole of the tree. Click to see a bigger image. The pigs are very special. He told of his mother snoring when he was little and how he thought pigs were after him. All our fears about missionary work were refered to as pigs. He constantly asked that we kill the pigs. We even had a wonderful kill the pig barbecue. The train reminded us about how small a change can take you where you do not want to go. Let's fly with the eagles.

What a great man. What a great experience our Temple Square Mission was.

Friday, October 8, 2010

We came home from Institute late and found a message that a box had arrived and was at the office. Well, this morning Elder Millet went and got it. Marie sent Gumdrop Cakes - three of them. What a treat. Happy Birthday, Joyce.

Mother made gumdrop cake for my birthday for years. The main ingredients gum drops and pecans. I would cut it in very small pieces, vacuum pack, and freeze them. That way I had treats all year long.

Mother had a "secret ingredient" that Marie did not have, but, Marie's tasted just as good as Mothers. Thank you, Marie, for the fond memories.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The UPS man rang our bell and 2 birthday boxes arrived. We were so excited. The one on top was from my sister Marla - RHUBARB! We began making dumplings immediately!

As you can see the trip from Utah did not harm the rhubarb. Ed cut it up with very little waste.

Make the pie dough: 1 Pound Margarine, 8 oz. Cream Cheese, 4 cups flour. Mix well and then roll into little circles.

Put a hand full of rhubarb in the center and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Fold over.

Place upside down in a 9x13 baking dish.

Fill the pan and gently press the dumplings to level out.

The syrup is about 1 1/2 cups water, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 4 T Margarine. Bring to a boil and pour over the dumplings.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. You can eat them hot, warm, or cold. Delicious.

Add a little ice cream.

Happy Birthday, Joyce.

We had enough rhubarb left over for a rhubarb custard pie. Thanks again, Marla.

Another wonderful surprise - Mrs. Prindable's Chocolate Apples from Roger, Troy and their families. Wow! Thank you. Thank you. Again, Happy Birthday, Joyce.